Watch this page for information on current, upcoming, and completed city projects.

Downtown Revitalization

Status: Upcoming
Start Date: 2023-07-01
Anticipated Completion Date: 2025-11-30

The City has been approved for a CDBG Downtown Revitalization Grant for 6 participating downtown buildings for $590,000. Work will include facade repairs, masonry work, new windows, new doors, lighting, signage, and more. These renovations aim to be done to honor the history and tradition of the buildings while simultaneously meeting modern function. The City has provided a $250,000 matching contribution. The target cost split breakdown will be 50% grant, 25% City, and 25% building owner. ECICOG is doing the grant administration and Martin Gardner is doing the architectural planning.

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Northern Heights Residential Development - Phase 2

Status: Upcoming

This phase will include duplexes, 3-4 unit townhomes, and larger multi-family units. This phase is currently in the infrastructure design stage. The City will be working with the developer on creating a development agreement for this project.

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Railroad Park Improvements

Status: Completed
Start Date: 2022-02-28
Anticipated Completion Date: 2022-08-18

The project will include replacing the sand with a soft fall material, which will make the park and equipment handicap accessible. To provide a more inclusive play area for all residents, this project would propose to upgrade the soft fall area to a poured in place rubberized surface along with the addition of some accessible play equipment. the project would include ramps as needed to provide access to the soft fall and playground areas. The project would also add parking spaces along River Street and Hickory Street along with providing additional sidewalk access from the parking areas to the playground. The project is now nearing substantial completion with the exception of the rain garden.

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Community Visioning Grant

Status: Completed
Start Date: 2021-10-15
Anticipated Completion Date: 2023-12-31

Riverside is participating in the 2022 Community Vision program. The goal of the program is to develop a landscape plan that will graphically illustrate the vision for Riverside. Some of the areas that have been addressed in these plans include Hwy 22/downtown improvements, Ella Street intersection improvements, boat launch amenities, and parking/traffic flow improvements at the elementary school. Members of the committee are representatives from Trees Forever, Martin Gardner Architectural firm, and from the community: MaryBeth Rozmus, Chris Kirkwood, Kathy Lamping, Abigail LaRoche, Annie Nugent, Ellen Shroyer, Lexy Walgren, Janene King, Jesi Coke, Kara Batcheller, Kris Westfall, and from the city: Allen Schneider, Lois Schneider, Christine Yancey, and Bryan Lenz.

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Riverfront Infrastructure and Boat Ramp Improvements

Status: Completed
Start Date: 1000-01-01
Anticipated Completion Date: 06-31-2024

This project included bank stabilization, brush clearing, signage, roadwork, and improvements to a stormwater outlet that flows into the English River.

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Third Street Project

Status: Completed
Start Date: 2022-05-09
Anticipated Completion Date: 2022-30-11

The 3rd Street Project will include water main, curb and gutter, street and sidewalks along all of 3rd Street from Hwy 22 to Washington. The intersections along 3rd Street will have construction as well. Anyone having plant materials or other items in the city ROW will need to have them removed immediately. Property access during construction will be through the alleys. Garbage collection will be coordinated with the contractor. Please mark your garbage and recycling containers to ensure they are returned to the proper residence after pickup. The plan is to work on one block at a time, weather permitting. Crews are in town now doing all of the prep work prior to a project start date of May 9th. Please keep all vehicles, children and pets out of the construction zone.

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Wastewater Treatment Plant - Exterior Improvements

Status: Completed
Start Date: 1000-01-01
Anticipated Completion Date: 3000-01-01

New air handler unit, descaled walls, added exterior paneling, replaced doors and frames, and replaced roof.

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Water Treatment Plant Piping Replacement

Status: Completed
Start Date: 2023-09-04
Anticipated Completion Date: 2023-11-30

This project will replace all of the piping in the plant with stainless steel piping. This will result in stronger connections, fewer joints, lowers the possibility for breakage.

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